Department: Enxeñaría de sistemas e automática

Centre: *Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial

Interuniversitary research center: CITMAga

Campus: Vigo

Area: Systems Engineering and Automation

Research group: Grupo de Control non Liñal


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidade de Vigo with the thesis Contribucións á teleoperación pasiva. Aplicación a guindastre pórtico en entorno háptico 2009. Supervised by Dr. Jesús Doval Gandoy, Dr. Antonio Barreiro Blas.

Ramón y Cajal research fellow. Affiliated (ad honorem) with CITMAga, the Galician Center for Mathematical Research and Technology. Leader of the BICO subgroup (Biosystems Identification, Control and Optimization) within the Nonlinear Control Group. Member of the IFAC Technical Committee on Biosystems and Bioprocesses (IFAC TC 8.4) and of the editorial board of PLOS ONE. Included in Stanford/Elsevier's ranking of the world's top 2% scientists (single year list) in 2022 and 2023. Previously, I was a postdoctoral research associate with Julio Banga (Bioprocess Engineering Group, IIM-CSIC; currently at the Computational Biology Lab @ MBG-CSIC) in two different periods: 2009-2015 and 2016-2020. In the first one I worked on several systems biology projects, and collaborated with the late John Ross (Stanford), whose lab I visited in two occasions. In the second one I worked on the CanPathPro H2020 project, building a computational platform for predictive cancer modelling. In 2015-2016 I was an I2C fellow, funded by the Xunta de Galicia and working at the universities of Minho (BioSystems group) and Oxford (SySoS group). Prior to that (2005-2009) I was an FPI fellow at the Universidade de Vigo, where I pursued a PhD in systems and control engineering under the supervision of Antonio Barreiro. During this period I spent short stays at the universities of Groningen, with Arjan van der Schaft, and MIT, with Neville Hogan.