Department: Bioloxía vexetal e ciencias do solo

Centre: *Facultade de Bioloxía

Campus: Vigo

Area: Plant Physiology

Research group: AgroBioTech for Health


Doctor by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela with the thesis Papel de la pared celular durante el crecimiento del fruto de kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa) 1992. Supervised by Dr. Ignacio Zarra Cameselle.

Full Professor and “Agrobiotech for health” R&D Group Leader at the University of Vigo. BSc and MSc with Distinction (León Univ.) and PhD (Santiago de Compostela Univ.) in Biology. He carried out Pre-doc and Post-doc research stages at Florida Univ. (1990 & 1992), Nottingham Univ. (1993-1994), Sheffield Univ. (1996), and Utrecht (Sabbatical Year 2010-2011) and short stages at the Copenhagen (2009), Toulouse (2012) Univ. and at CSIC – IBMCP (Valencia, 2012). His research focuses on plant biology and biotechnology (in vitro culture) and bioculture (hydroponics), ecosystems and agroforestry systems, with emphasis on plant mineral nutrition and biostimulants, abiotic and biotic stress, sustainable production, conservation, recuperation and valorization of plants of commercial, ecological, nutraceutical and medicinal interest. He has been a pioneer in the application of machine learning approaches such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, and genetic algorithms. His research has been funded by 28 national and international grants and by 17 R&D contracts with private companies and institutions, achieving more than 2.8 M€. Co-author of 96 publications, proceedings, and chapters, and 132 communications to conferences, meetings, and symposia. He is a co-inventor in 1 international and 1 national patent. Supervised 28 BSc, 23 MSc, and 14 PhD Thesis. Organized 9 international (6) and national (3) congresses, is a member of 6 international societies (SEBIOT, SECITV, IAPTCB, ISHS, SEBP, and FESPP), evaluated research projects for 5 National Research Agencies: Canada (NSERC), Israel (MST), Netherlands (NWO), Poland (NCN) and Spain (AEI), and refereed JCR journals, since 1995. Awarded the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) medal and MSc with Distinction.