Publicaciones (73) Publicaciones de JORGE LUIS BUENO ALONSO
Sir Gawain y el Caballero Verde, junto con Perla y Sir Orfeo, de JRR Tolkien
Teaching Shakespeare in film and the arts today: models, methods, materials
ed. lit.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
“Jesus, The Films That We Have Seen!”: Teaching-Oriented Proposals toAnalyze Shakespeare Through Cinema (With Special Reference to Hamlet(1603) & Macbeth (1606)
Teaching Shakespeare in film and the arts today: models, methods, materials (Cambridge Scholars Publishing), pp. 21-42
Beowulf: verso a verso
Servicio de Publicaciones
La batalla de Maldon junto con El regreso de Beorhtnoth de J.R.R. Tolkien
Stuart D. Lee, editor. A Companion to J.R.R. Tolkien. 2nd edition. Wiley Blackwell, 2022, xxxiv + 556 pages
Babel A.F.I.A.L.: Aspectos de filología inglesa y alemana, Núm. 32, pp. 103-119
Unha pequena illa nun mar continuo de inglés antigo: a única adiviña latina do Codex Exoniensis MS 3501 e os problemas da(s) súa(s) tradución(s)
Postremum Munus, Studia in Honorem Celsi Rodríguez Fernández (Servizo de Publicacións), pp. 81-89
"Maldon" in the Middle: J. R. R. Tolkien’s "The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth" as a Guide to Translate “for his ofermode” (89), with a New Bilingual Proposal
Tolkien in the 21st Century: reading, reception, and reinterpretation (Cambridge Scholars Publishing), pp. 32-51
I think I’m done with the (mead)hall, baby: Rendering andvisualizing ‘hæmedlaces’ and the runic clues of Exeter BookRiddle 42
SELIM 32. Book of Abstracts
Tolkien in the 21st Century: reading, reception, and reinterpretation
ed. lit.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
"Beowulf" (2013 [2020]) as a graphic novel: an interview with Santiago García and David Rubín
Selim: Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature = Revista de la Sociedad Española de Lengua y Literatura Inglesa Medieval, Núm. 26, pp. 151-166
Adiviñas medievais do libro de Exeter
ed. lit.
‘Retelling Old Stories for New Audiences’: Shaping and Visualizing Beowulf through Gareth Hinds’ Graphic Novels [The Collected Beowulf (2003) & Beowulf (2007)]
Medieval Stories and Storytelling: Multimedia and Multi-Temporal perspectives (Brepols Publishers NV)
"Are the in-laws swearing?": editing Old English manuscripts for translation through Beowulf's Galician aliterative rendering
Of ye Olde Englisch Langage and Textes: new perspectives on Old and Middle English language and literature (Peter Lang), pp. 281-297
Doce años de investigación sobre el Discurso Artístico (1994-2006): itinerario académico e índice temático
«Contigo aprendí»: estudios en homenaje al profesor José Luis Caramés Lage (Servicio de Publicaciones), pp. 33-68
The "Naked" and the Dead Translators?: A Brief Note on Translatorial Semantic Variation in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight´s "pe naked to tene" (line 2002)
«Contigo aprendí»: estudios en homenaje al profesor José Luis Caramés Lage (Servicio de Publicaciones), pp. 25-31
The monsters, the translators, and the artists: lofgeornost and the challenges of translating Beowulf
Beowulf in Contemporary Culture (Cambridge Scholars Publishing), pp. 111-133
«Contigo aprendí»: estudios en homenaje al profesor José Luis Caramés Lage
Servicio de Publicaciones
The ‘Beasts-of-Battle’ stylistic motif in "Brunanburh": sentence organization, content, form and hierarchy in translation
Textual reception and cultural debate in medieval English studies (Cambridge Scholars Publishing), pp. 31-50
"That's what I like about Shakespeare, It's the pictures": a teaching-oriented approach to Shakespeare textual analysis through film (with special reference to "Macbeth" V.5.15-28)
Babel A.F.I.A.L.: Aspectos de filología inglesa y alemana, Núm. 24, pp. 131-143